Pet Tag

4 Reviews
₹ 499
Total Price: 1

A pet tag is a small metal or plastic tag that is attached to a pet's collar. The tag contains information about the pet, such as its name, owner's name, and contact details. The purpose of a pet tag is to ensure that if the pet becomes lost or is separated from its owner, it can be quickly returned to its rightful owner. Pet tags come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, including stainless steel, brass, and plastic. They can be engraved with the pet's information or printed with a QR code that can be scanned to access the pet's information online. Having a pet tag is an important safety measure for pet owners, as it can help ensure that their pet is quickly and safely returned to them if it becomes lost. It is recommended that pet owners keep their pet's tag up to date with current information to ensure the best chance of a successful reunion.

  • Color: Blue
  • Size: 20cm x 10cm
  • Material: Aluminum
  • Warranty: Within 6 months